Mr. Richard Snider
Mr. Snider is a native Washingtonian holding a BA degree from Cornell College who also attended George Washington University Law School. After Law School, his initial business experience was with the Maryland based home building and component manufacturer Ward Corporation between 1971-1977, where under his supervision as V.P., Component Divisional sales and production grew from less than $2M to exceed $20M annually by 1977.
In 1978 Mr. Snider left Ward Corporation to launch Triangle Development Company, a start-up homebuilding operation. Mr. Snider funded the company, and managed growth to annual sales of $30M by 1991, winning many prestigious Monument Awards for design and planning along the way. Also active in the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association (NVBIA), Mr. Snider served as Chairman of the Real Estate Finance Committee from 1986 until 1990.
In 1992, Pillars Development Group principals and Mr. Snider formed Edgemoore Homes, merging Triangle’s remaining land positions into the new company. Edgemoore’s initial project of 98 units was a Builder Magazine Honoree for home design and land planning, the first of scores of regional and national awards bestowed on Pillars’ Edgemoore brand name. Mr. Snider serves as Vice President of Design and Planning for Pillars Development Group, where since 2004, Pillars has increasingly focused on income-producing property acquisitions and close-in urban “Metro-Centric” locations for construction and land development. Building Industry Association (NVBIA), Mr. Snider served as Chairman of the Real Estate Finance Committee from 1986 until 1990.
In 1992, Pillars Development Group principals and Mr. Snider formed Edgemoore Homes, merging Triangle’s remaining land positions into the new company. Edgemoore’s very first project of 98 units was a Builder Magazine Honoree for home design and land planning, the first of scores of regional and national awards bestowed on Pillars’ Edgemoore brand name. Since then, Mr. Snider has served as the Vice President of Design and Planning for Edgemoore’s parent company, Pillars Development Group, where from 2004, Pillars has increasingly focused on close-in urban “Metro-Centric” locations in the Washington, D.C. region to continually expand its vertical construction portfolio while continuing to develop land for sale as finished lots to its third party National Builder clientele.